Posts with tag: "Standard Process"
We Are Truly Overfed and Yet Starving for Nourishment!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
We Are Truly Overfed and Yet Starving for Nourishment!

What is it about our culture that keeps us from doing what we know to be right?  We all know, even if it is subconsciously, that the way we live, eat, drink and sleep is not adequate.  Maybe part of the problem is all of the misinformation and the confusion over what will truly make a difference in our health and wellbeing.  One report will come out and demonize eggs and then over the next few years, an updated report will come out and tell us all that "No, eggs are good!"  Our population has never been so sick, nor so overweight, starving for real nutrition.  As a practitioner, I see so many people who are truly ill and suffering and yet, not sick enough for the ...