Posts with tag: "adrenal fatigue"
Feeling lazy, neurotic or depressed? You may have an adrenal deficiency.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Feeling lazy, neurotic or depressed? You may have an adrenal deficiency.

I'm just SO TIRED I am so depressed! I never have energyThese three sentences are some of the most common in the healthcare field. In fact, fatigue and depression are a huge contributing factor to the success of the pharmaceutical industry. Not to mention the recent boom of energy drinks on the market. While many factors can come into  play when discussing these symptoms a large part of the population is actually experiencing adrenal fatigue. In fact up to 90% of the population has some level of adrenal fatigue. So what is this condition and what can you do about it? What are the adrenal glands? They are 2 small endocrine glands, the size of a walnut, that sit on top of each kidney. ...